The Washington and Arizona law firm of Robert D. Bohm, PLLC is dedicated to the recovery of full and fair compensation for accident victims who suffer spinal cord damage.

Spinal cord injuries occur as a result of a traumatic event that causes damage to cells within the spinal cord or severs the nerve tracts that relay signals throughout the body. When a spinal cord injury occurs, the accident victim may lose sensation or the ability to function.  The effects of a spinal cord injury often extend beyond obvious physical impairments. Adjusting to life with a disability is not easy, and victims commonly experience emotional pain and suffering. Many are concerned about the affect of their injury on their  lifestyle, their finances and personal relationships. Grieving and emotional stress are common.

At Robert D. Bohm, PLLC, we can help victims obtain fair compensation for medical and rehabilitation costs, lost income, diminished earning capacity, property damage, and pain and suffering.  We are here to help you through this difficult time.