Accidents and natural disasters that cause damage your home or business can be traumatizing. Filing a property damage insurance claim often adds unnecessary stress to already difficult circumstances.  If you have a dispute with your insurance company over a property damage claim, you should seek advice from a qualified attorney before throwing in the towel.

The experienced Washington and Arizona insurance claim law firm of Robert D. Bohm, PLLC can help you navigate these trying circumstances.   The sooner you contact us in the claims process, the quicker and more effectively we can take steps to protect your rights to the coverage.

We handle property damage insurance disputes about homeowner’s, automobile, commercial liability and other insurance policies involving:

    • Serious injuries or wrongful death
    • Business property damage, including interruption to the business
    • Homeowner property damage (resulting from fire loss, lightning, hurricane damage or other property damage)
    • Losses due to construction defects
    • Other compensable losses

Attorney Robert D. Bohm can answer all your questions and provide sound legal advice about your specific case. He is experienced and approachable and is prepared to protect your rights when you are dealing with property damage that was no fault of yours.  Contact us today.