We know you have many questions, and we are here to help.

Our law firm is committed to building your case for trial from the moment we accept responsibility for pursuing justice on your behalf.

By thoroughly investigating the facts and circumstances of your case, we are in the best position to identify and hold accountable the responsible party.  With access to medical and legal professionals to assist in documenting your injuries and a comprehensive diagnosis of your prognosis and  risk for future complications, we can best determine the true value of your injuries.

With his courtroom experience and proven successes negotiating settlements, Attorney Robert D. Bohm can make sure that an injury accident does not leave you or your family without the resources necessary for recovery.

Let’s get started today . . . Completing this Intake Form ahead of time will give us an opportunity to evaluate your case and better prepare for your first visit with us.  Answer only those questions with which you are comfortable answering.  If you do not wish to complete the entire form, we gladly will contact you for this information.  In the alternative, you can simply request a call by contacting our office or emailing us at [email protected].