When property is not reasonably maintained, or if efforts are not taken to prevent injury and, as a result, someone is injured, the proprietor or property owner may be held accountable for injury and damages.  At Robert D. Bohm, PLLC, we represent plaintiffs who have been harmed by the negligent or reckless acts of others, causing personal injury or wrongful death. Our firm is a leader in the field of Washington or Arizona premises injury law.

Suffering an injury on someone else’s property can be painful and confusing. It can leave wondering about your recovery and your future.  Medical bills may pile up, and it may be difficult to tend to your injuries and deal with an injury claim at the same time. If you or a loved one has been injured because of negligence or irresponsible behavior on someone else’s property, get the legal help you need now. Choose a leader in the field of Washington or Arizona premises injury law.